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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

SKScheMa script: miss call

As I mentioned in my previous post introduce about SKSchema, I used SKSchema to miss call my friends. Now, I would like to share the script.

I break my SKSchema miss call script into 2 parts:

  1. Generic miss call script which is performing the miss call
  2. Specific script which specify who and the phone number I want to miss call.

By doing so, I dont have to copy the generic script again and again for different person. In case my miss call algorithm change, I dont have to change every single file. I just change the generic script.

Below is the generic miss call script, you can save it into a file called misscall.sksc, make sure remove the comments.

#r(#yesno) #p(miss call @Var1? ) #rmt(5000)
#r(#iffalse) #p(end)
#r(#ifunknown) #p(end)
#r(#playwav) #p(\My Documents\h_start.wav)
Comment:You can remove this line if you dont want to play the wave file
#r(#label) #p(dial)
#r(#call) #phone(@Var2)
#r(#findwindow) #p(phone) #sleep(800)
#r(#tap) #p(14;228) #sleep(250)
#r(#findwindow) #p(phone) #sleep(6500)
#r(#tap) #p(200;274) #sleep(250)
#r(#findwindow) #p(phone) #sleep(2000)
#r(#tap) #p(229;14) #sleep(450)
#r(#0) #sleep(2000)
#r(#playwav) #p(\My Documents\h_finish.wav)
Comment:You can remove this line if you dont want to play the wave file
#r(#0) #sleep(1500)
#r(#yesno) #p(suspend? ) #rmt(4000)
#r(#iffalse) #p(end)
#r(#ifunknown) #p(end)
#r(#label) #p(suspend)
#r(#playwav) #p(\My Documents\attn.wav)
#r(#0) #sleep(1000)
#r(\program files\pocketplus\actionsender.exe) #p(-key PLUSACTION{000600000000} Suspend) Comment: Suspend the PDA using SPB Pocket Plus
#r(#label) #p(end)

Below is the sample code of specific script to miss call a person, you can save it in another file such as misscall-friend1.sksc:

#r(#setvar) #p(1) #d(Friend's name) Comment: put your friends name here

#r(#setvar) #p(2) #d(phone number) Comment: put the phone number here

#r(#script) #p(\Storage Card\03.Sync\misscall.sksc) Comment: make sure the path for misscall.sksc script is correct


Kalabantas said...

Nice efforts, however, you could use the commands

#r(#call) #phone(XXXXXXXX)

#r(#hangup) #sleep(8000)
This would save the errors generated from tapping, and can work on any device.

Unknown said...

hx for sharing your script. I wonder could u share more? I wanna make my rhodium automatically check (send/receive) email like push mail and afterwards automatically disconnect the data connection. Could u help me? TIA

Unknown said...

Thx for sharing your script. I wonder could u share more? I wanna make my rhodium automatically check (send/receive) email like push mail and afterwards automatically disconnect the data connection. Could u help me? TIA